Sharing to innovate and grow
For Deloitte Brazil’s CEO, the breaking of boundaries in markets and industries reinforces the need to integrate the ecosystems that lead to innovation.
June-August | 2019Every company is a living and dynamic organism, made up of professionals, operating structures and assets of every kind. Once combined, they impact their customers, the market and society as a whole. With the disruptive transformations that affect these organisms today, the relationship of the companies with the external environment intensifies as never before. We are all learning to share, receive, absorb and rework – and thus we become truly able to find alternatives to innovate and grow. We live, therefore, a time of intermittent exchanges – of information, experiences, visions, and discoveries. Those who choose to remain isolated, avoiding the exchange, miss the rocket to the world 4.0.
It is not about stimulating new ideas or adopting cutting-edge technologies. The path to competitiveness now depends on the voluntary integration to ecosystems that lead to innovation. It must be assumed that there are no more strict boundaries and no corporation will be able to stop the differentiating knowledge. All socioeconomic agents are relevant in this journey: our own talents, suppliers, clients, universities, startups, research centers, business and class associations, chambers of commerce, corporate leaders, government … Even the competitors make up this ecosystem, around which new forms of connection are created. We have to work in synergy with all of them.
Deloitte, which positions itself as a leader in these transformations that affect companies, individuals and countries, intends to continue to participate actively in the ecosystems that build the future. This issue of our magazine Mundo Corporativo deals with this topic. I wish you all a great reading.
Altair Rossato
Deloitte Brazil’s CEO