Reform to enable growth
Study unveils Brazilian executive’s expectations regarding their organizations and the first year of the new elected government. Tax and social security reforms are a high priority in order to boost business, along with education and workforce qualification.
December 2018 | February 2019The “Agenda 2019” survey, conducted by Deloitte right after the 2nd round of the general elections in the country shows, the Brazilian executives’ expectations regarding the new elected government and their own businesses.
The study covered 826 organizations from 32 segments of the economy and whose sum of revenues totals R$ 2.8 trillion (or the equivalent of 43% of the national GDP). The majority of the participants are decision makers in their organizations: 66% are CXOs and 23% are managers.
Among the expectations for the elected government and their own businesses, the Brazilian business community have identified tax and social security reforms, as well as the fight against corruption and fiscal adjustment, as priorities.
Access the study “Agenda 2019” in its integrity.