Infrastructure CEOs comment on investments
CEOs of Hidrosan and Incibra engineering companies, dedicated to infrastructure, talk about opportunities and models for projects in this sector in Brazil
July-September | 2017How to encourage infrastructure investment in Brazil?
What is happening in the Brazilian market today is that, due to the crisis, there are no more funds from the Federal Government. Water and sewage supply connected to municipal governments are in a very precarious situation due to the lack of government-directed funds, not only for sanitation works, but also for many other infrastructure projects. The sanitation works, however small, are works worth millions. We believe that the way to overcome this challenge of shortage of funds is to invest in medium and long term investment plans, for municipalities to achieve progress using their own resources and have autonomy in relation to funding. In small towns, with less purchasing power, the private initiative can enter and try to solve this problem. Privatization is a strong tendency for the entire infrastructure sector, not only for sanitation., Angela Di Bernardo Dantas, Hidrosan Engenharia’s CEO.
Brazil is going through a turbulent economic and political period, but there are already positive perspectives on the horizon. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are an excellent opportunity to enhance the economic and financial modeling and infrastructure project technical studies. When the company achieves greater efficiency in services, it becomes open to new investment opportunities and take on new and diverse projects. In general, these partnerships will provide more revenue and expansion and employment opportunities for these new infrastructure demands that will arise. From the moment in which we can demonstrate that we have better economic conditions and that Brazil is a stable country, for sure the capital will return., Djalma Medeiros, Incibra's CEO.